Archive | May, 2015

How Repealing the Human Rights Act Targets the Most Vulnerable

After banging on before May 7th about ‘finishing what we started’ with the ‘Long Term Economic Plan’, George Osbourne is suddenly nowhere to be seen. His Tory colleagues instead have immediately set about dismantling our rights by attempting to repeal the Human Rights Act (HRA), and to finally introduce the long-mooted ‘Snoopers Charter’. Rather than see the […]

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A Open Letter to the Next Leader of the Lib Dems

Dear Leader, Liberal Democrats have been able to console ourselves with the idea that we are influencing policies from the sidelines of Government. But we know, now more than ever, that ‘influence’ is not the same as ‘power’. We should not be happy with ‘influence’. Labour and the Tories understand that there is no point in […]

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How knee-jerk reactions can cost votes

I read with growing disappointment an Op-Ed piece on ‘Religious Hatred’ over on Lib Dem Voice. The central premise of the article was a fear, based on a Muslim News article, that Ed Miliband was going to outlaw criticism of Islam. I agree that such a law would be a serious erosion of civil liberties, however, that’s not what Miliband […]

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